Friday, March 1, 2013
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: This is one of the best documentaries on the subje...
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: This is one of the best documentaries on the subje...: Mike Nova: This is one of the best documentaries on the subject of Stalin and Stalinism Stalin el Imperio del Mal (1-2) - Stalin, el Tira...
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Начальник космической обороны РФ отстранен из-за г...
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Начальник космической обороны РФ отстранен из-за г...: Mike Nova comments: Svalili na "svalku". Nashli "krainego". Smeshali s musorom. Tak derzhat, tovarischi! Нача...
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 3.1.13 - Russia News Review - Mike Nova's starred ...
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 3.1.13 - Russia News Review - Mike Nova's starred ...: Mike Nova's starred items RUSSIA: "Extremism" trial of imams resumes - Forum 18 via fsb r...
12:35 PM 3/1/2013 - Facebook Review

- Верзилов: Надежду Толоконникову на 15 дней поместили в ШИЗО - она якобы перемещалась по колонии без сопровождения.
Важная подробность в том, что Надю - которая недавно сильно болела - наказали за попытку без сопровождения пройти в медицинскую часть.
Mike Nova shared GAY PARAGUAY's photo.
- "Yo quisiera saber por qué culturalmente nos sentimos más cómodos viendo a dos hombres armados, que agarrados de la mano.." Madonna
Mike Nova shared Antinous the Gay God's photo.
- Alix and Enak have been strong gay role models for generations of European gay boys, says an American media expert who has lived in Paris and who is well acquainted with the work of Jacques Martin. Martin created "Alix" in 1948 and drew the... comic books for 50 years until his eyesight failed in 1998 ... the comic books are still being produced by Rafeal Morales.
When Jacques Martin died in 2010, American gay blogster extraordinaire William V. Madison wrote this tribute to Jacques Martin ... and to Alix:
"There was nothing inappropriate about the nudity. In almost every one of their adventures, Alix and Enak find themselves in a hot climate, in cultures where clothing was scant and nudity unexceptional — and Martin researched his work meticulously. As he observed, it would be ludicrous to depict Alix and Enak covering up their privates in a Roman bath (though some editors have tinkered with the drawings to just that purpose).
"So it’s only reasonable that Alix and Enak’s host, frequently a kindly older gentleman such as Julius Caesar (Alix’s mentor), will say, 'Boys, you must be tired after your long journey; why not slip out of those revealing tunics and take a bath with me?'
"As Martin’s research revealed, only Judeo-Christian cultures frowned on certain close relationships between men. And torture was the primary tool of governance in every ancient state, most often administered by burly men in leather.
"So, naturally, nobody in the books minds that Alix and Enak are such inseparable companions, and it’s only reasonable that they so often find themselves tied up and flogged.
"But no matter how reasonable and accurate, these elements of the books, when combined with the fierce devotion the young men felt for each other, gave rise to the widespread belief that Alix and Enak aren’t merely the Jonny Quest and Hadji of the ancient world (who just happen to share a tent, and all that), but archetypal gay lovers.
"Married with children, Martin repeatedly either ducked the question or announced, diplomatically, that his readers were free to bring to the stories their own interpretations — and their own fantasies, straight or gay. For his part, he never wrote or drew a love scene for Alix and Enak. (He sometimes did throw in a scantily clad slave girl or princess, whom Alix inevitably and heroically resisted.)
"Martin’s achievements as a spinner of great yarns, as a founder of historical graphic fiction, and as one of the greats of the “Ligne Claire” school of drawing are beyond dispute, and they’re likely to be discussed at length in the tributes to him that will appear throughout Europe in the coming days. Others may even confirm what I will tell you: that, no matter his demurrals or his real intention, Jacques Martin gave substance and dignity to the dreams of lonely boys for more than half a century.
"Gayer than we were happy, we yearned to find a companion in our own adventures, another handsome youth with a noble heart. A fearless rescuer who would share our passions. A hero and friend. We looked in every kind of book for a model, a representation of the couple we wanted to be. Too often, we came up short; too often, we still do.
"Jacques Martin provided us with the models we sought."See More
Mike Nova shared Livingbattlefield's album.
- Arthur Zimmermann (October 5, 1864 – June 6, 1940) was State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the German Empire from November 22, 1916, until his resignation on August 6, 1917. Author of the famous Telegram.
Mike Nova shared The New York Times's photo.
- Van Cliburn, a pianist from Texas, was 23 years old when he won the Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow in 1958, a victory viewed as an American triumph over the Soviet Union at the height of the cold war. Look back at his life and work:
Photo: Van Cliburn last year with the 100-year-old Steinway concert grand that he grew up playing. (Credit: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)
Mike Nova shared Antinous the Gay God's photo.
- Alix the blond Roman boy and his Egyptian orphan friend Enak enjoy the Caracalla Baths in Rome ... the genius of Belgian artist Jacques Martin is shown in this exquisitely detailed rendering ... historically accurate in every detail .... (Jacques Martin "L'Odyssée d'Alix", éditions Casterman 1987.)
- Breaking: With the "Closing of the Doors" ceremony complete, Benedict XVI has officially left the papacy, the first Pope in 600 years to do so.
18 Men Who Could Be the Next Pope
Mike Nova shared Antinous the Gay God's photo.
- Alix the blond Roman boy and his Egyptian orphan friend Enak enjoy the Caracalla Baths in Rome ... the genius of Belgian artist Jacques Martin is shown in this exquisitely detailed rendering ... historically accurate in every detail .... (Jacques Martin "L'Odyssée d'Alix", éditions Casterman 1987.)
- Movement for the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act today as the House has voted to pass the bill, sending it to President Obama for his signature. Full Story:
- Бенедикт Сарнов: "Шестьдесят лет прошло со дня его смерти, а мне приходится о нем писать. Значит, политическим трупом он еще не стал."
- Breaking: With the "Closing of the Doors" ceremony complete, Benedict XVI has officially left the papacy, the first Pope in 600 years to do so.
18 Men Who Could Be the Next Pope
- "Второй - пошел". Степан Зимин в Басманном суде. Следствие просит продлить его арест до 8 июня. По их версии Степан на Болотной участвовал в массовых беспорядках и в точно неустановленное время, реализуя свой преступный умысел, прицельно бросил не менее 3 раз асфальт в полицейских, попав однажды в кисть руки и причинив физическую боль.
- Сегодня в Басманном суде - марафон по продлению ареста "болотникам", в суд приведут четверых. Первый - Андрей Барабанов. Встречавшие его в коридоре друзья говорят - "выглядит неплохо, не похудел совсем". Андрей вполне бодр и весел.
Апдейт: Арест продлен до 28 мая.
- Адвокат - следователю: "Чем обосновываются ваши предположения, что Барабанов на свободе может влиять на свидетелей, уничтожать вещдоки, скрываться и продолжить преступную деятельность? Ведь доказать это требуют законы РФ и постановления Евр...осуда!". Следователь Марукян: "Все уже написано там, я не желаю отвечать больше. И вообще, мы не рассматривпем дело по существу, а всего лишь - продление ареста"
Апдейт: Арест продлен до 28 мая.See More
Mike Nova shared El Vocero de Puerto Rico's photo.
- Rompe el Corona Extra Pro Surf
Say something about this...
Chet Baker - Rome 1956Chet singing the well known standard "You Don't Know What Love Is" in Rome 1956, probably with Jean-Louis Chautemps - ts Francy Boland - p Eddie de Haas - b ...
Mike Nova shared алла лескова's photo.
- Дорогие питерские френды!
На выходе из станции м. Политехническая, почти каждый день, стоит бабушка-поэт, 81 год, Галина Усова, и продает книги со своими стихами и книги известных зарубежных авторов со своим переводом (Байрон,Киплинг,Лоусо...н,Вальтер Скотт и т.д.). Давайте вместе поможем бабушке и купим у нее книгу по стоимости двух бутылок пива, а она, зато сможет заплатить за коммуналку и, сходив в магазин, сядет писать новые отличные стихи, а не будет думать о том, как купить хлеб.
P.S. кстати, еще она участник Союза писателей СССР.
На закате, на закате
Серо-сизые тона,
И луна луча не тратит,
Небо скрыла пелена.
Всюду серо, всюду сыро,
Всё в терзаниях немых,
И несовершенство мира
Скрыто в линиях прямых.
Город стынет, город стонет,
Всё сверкает, словно лак,
А проклятые ладони
Не согреются никак…
Вот приду в тепло, оттаю,
Для всего найду слова…
Хорошо, что я мечтаю:
Это значит – я жива!
Галина Усова
Сделайте, пожалуйста, перепост!!!
Спасибо!See More
Mike Nova shared The Wall Street Journal's photo.
- Astronomers say they've spotted what they believe is a new planet in the process of being born in the Milky Way galaxy. The so-called protoplanet has a mass of at least the size of Jupiter, researchers said.
Artist's impression: European Pressphoto Agency
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