"It seems that there is a trend afoot among many politically self-conscious gay men. From an effort to counter the notion that all gay men are effeminate, they have moved toward the position that all gay men should present an image of red-blooded American masculinity" - The Cult Of Gay Masculinity - www.huffingtonpost.com
Gays and Masculinity
First Published on 1.19.13 Last Update: 2.11.13
Gay Puerto Rico Links shared a link: First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday - Video
Gay Puerto Rico Links shared a link.
First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday
As controversy swirls around thoroughbred Ship's
Captain, the horse's trainer says people should focus on the horse's abilities,
not its sexuality
"Gay men in particular, who used to frighten the horses with flamboyant displays of sexual outlawry, gender treason and fabulousness, have supposedly dropped their insignia of tribal belonging and joined the mainstream. Gay men, it seems, have become indistinguishable from normal folk. Now, that’s progress for you!" - NYT
Times Topics: Homosexuality
- News about homosexuality, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.
Revelation Signals a Shift in Views of Homosexuality
In an e-mail to the blogger Andrew Sullivan, which he agreed could be published , the CNN anchor writes that by trying to keep his sexual ...July 02, 2012 - - Business-
Frank Rich - Narrowed by 'HOMOSEXUALITY'
Recent columns and multimedia by Frank Rich of The New York ...Editorials and Op-Ed
via NYT > Opinion by on 2/5/13
Daniel Squadron, a New York state senator, responds to a “This Land” column by Dan Barry.

Gay Identity in New York
To the Editor:
Re “Sewers, Curfews and a Ban on Gay Bias,” by Dan Barry (“This Land” column, Jan. 29): If Vicco, a small town in Kentucky — and 16 other states and the District of Columbia — can protect its residents from discrimination based on gender identity or expression, there is no reason New York can’t.
Most people would be shocked that in New York State you can lose your job or be evicted from your home because of your gender expression — and in Vicco you can’t.
It’s time for the New York Senate to stop blocking the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, of which I am the sponsor and which would ensure that all New Yorkers are treated with the fairness and dignity everyone deserves.
New York, Jan. 29, 2013
New York, Jan. 29, 2013
The writer represents Manhattan and Brooklyn in the New York Senate.

Enjoy the hints of dark Japanese homoeroticism.

Masculine Gay Guys | Facebook
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Masculine Gay Guys. 46301 likes · 2713 talking about this.

Gays and Masculinity
The Ideals, Concepts and Behavioral Styles of Power and Masculinity and their social values in psychology of gay men - Web Review - Last Update: 1.21.13
Now here's a question. At what point does grunting, blood-spattered hyper-masculinity become totally homoerotic? Somewhere around 300, methinks.
Masculinity defined in 14 seconds
uploaded a video 5 years ago
Testosterone (2003) - Clip 5
Disarm (2010) HD
Published on Mar 30, 2012
uploaded a video 5 years ago
Testosterone (2003) - Clip 5
Published on Mar 30, 2012
Two men meet online for a hook-up, but after an initial confrontation, they fall into conversation and have something they did not expect: a connection.
Director: Nathan Keene
Produced by: Will Faulkner
Written by: Will Faulkner & Nathan Keene
Starring: Taris Tyler, David Kinsman
Director: Nathan Keene
Produced by: Will Faulkner
Written by: Will Faulkner & Nathan Keene
Starring: Taris Tyler, David Kinsman
Gay scene from: The 4th Man (1983)
Uploaded on Nov 14, 2009
About the movie:
About the movie:
Reve, a novelist travels from Amsterdam to Vlissingen to speak; his stories, he says, "lie the truth." A listener, Christine, a seductive beautician, invites him to stay the night. Next day, he sees a photo of her boyfriend, a buff plumber from Köln. He convinces her to bring Herman to town and sets out to seduce him. Gradually, aided by visions and nightmares, he's sure Christine's a murderous witch who's killed three husbands; he or Herman will be the fourth man. Is he mad or prescient?
Uploaded on Jan 16, 2011
Três jovens vigilantes amontoado de la linea prontos para perseguir imigrantes ilegais cruzando a fronteira para o México... Mas eles logo descobrem que há fronteiras no fundo de cada um deles que somente eles, devem atravessar.
Song Theme: Mama DC - Ley Low
Song Theme: Mama DC - Ley Low
This is the second of two scenes in the movie The War Boys (2009) where the male lead and his best friend have sex (in the first scene earlier in the film, they have an argument that ends with a brief but intense kiss). Although some may refer to this as a sex scene, it is so sweetly tender that it is more appropriately called a love scene...all the more so because it takes place between two long-time best friends who are romantically (and not just physically) attracted to each other. The actors are Benjamin Walker (who plays David, the one lying in bed at the beginning of the scene) and Brian J. Smith (who plays George, the one with the little wooden toy at the beginning of the scene). Brian J. Smith may be familiar to science fiction fans for his work on the Stargate Universe television series. He also appeared in the film Hate Crime (2005), where he played a gay man who is the victim of a brutal hate crime
The War Boys - Second Gay Love Scene
The War Boys - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The War Boys is a 2009 American independent drama film directed by ... The film premiered at the Birmingham Gay and Lesbian Film Festival on May 30, 2009
The War Boys - Gay Scene - GS
Nureyev choreographs & dances Romeo 1/6 Dance of Knights
Uploaded on Jan 12, 2008
The Prokofiev-Shakespeare ballet Romeo & Juliet, in Rudolf Nureyev's choreography, premiered London 1977. This is Nureyev's video of his 1980 La Scala production with himself as Romeo, Carla Fracci as Juliet, Margot Fonteyn as Lady Capulet and Tiziano Mietto as Tybalt. Conductor Michel Sasson.

Google Searches:
gay masculinity
Masculinity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Masculinity is possessing qualities or characteristics considered typical of or appropriate to a man. The term can be used to describe any human, animal or ...
Selected Articles:
Style and the Meaning of Gay Culture - NYTimes.com
Jun 21, 2012 – But all that foofy stuff looks irrelevant to modern gay men, who don't see ... society and conventional masculinity, and who don't aspire to belong to any ... bodybuilding or Art Deco as “gay” styles is to seek the content of gay ...
Shared on Google+. View the post.
Gay men in particular, who used to frighten the horses with flamboyant displays of sexual outlawry, gender treason and fabulousness, have supposedly dropped their insignia of tribal belonging and joined the mainstream. Gay men, it seems, have become indistinguishable from normal folk. Now, that’s progress for you!
Richard Lyon: The Cult of Gay Masculinity
Jun 28, 2012 – It seems that there is a trend afoot among many politically self-conscious gay men. From an effort to counter the notion that all gay men are ...
Shared on Google+. View the post.

The Cult Of Gay Masculinity
It seems that there is a trend afoot among many politically self-conscious gay men. From an effort to counter the notion that all gay men are effeminate, they have moved toward the position that all gay men should present an image of red-blooded American masculinity
Reported Effects of Masculine Ideals on Gay Men
by FJ Sánchez - 2009 - Cited by 20 - Related articles
This exploratory study used consensual qualitative research methodology (Hill et al., 2005) to analyze what gay men associate with masculinity and femininity, ...
This exploratory study used consensual qualitative research methodology (Hill et al., 2005) to analyze what gay men associate with masculinity and femininity, ...
The downside to the glorification of masculinity
Gay Male Masculinity: A contradictory label or an expansion of identity?
Fratriarchy, Homoeroticism and Military Culture

Tom of Finland was an artist who helped reinforce gay masculine and military stereotypes.
His work lives on.

Stonewall as it appeared in 1969.
Fratriarchy, Homoeroticism and Military Culture

by Clive Moore
Historians readily acknowledge that settlers in Australia carried ‘cultural baggage’...
with them, which was unpacked and altered to suit the necessities of life in the
antipodes. Historians have given less thought to forms of sexuality packed away in
the immigrants’ ‘cultural bags’ and to the social construction of sexuality which has
occurred as Australian society evolved over two centuries. ‘We are increasingly
aware’, writes Jeffrey Weeks, ‘theoretically, historically, even politically, that
“sexuality” is about flux and change, that what we so readily deem as “sexual” is as
much a product of language and culture as of “nature”’.
1 Studies of Australian
sexuality and gender have taken cognisance of the socially constructed nature of
sexuality, but most have concentrated on women, restoring a sense of their history,
in the process exploring the patriarchal nature of our society. Within most studies
heterosexuality is assumed almost unthinkingly as the norm for females and males.
Male-to-male sexual desire and its role in wider dynamics of power is seldom
addressed as a central issue. When it is, the analysis is usually concerned with
contemporary gay masculinity, often depicted as a post-Stonewall 1970’s creation
with no historical depth. This article deals with contemporary gay self-imaging as
depicted in the gay media, but also attempts to establish links and continuities with
earlier expressions of male-to-male sexual desire.
Australian contemporary gay masculinity and identity may have matured in the
1970s but it was born out of same-sex desires that found expression in European
urban society onwards from the eighteenth century. Transported to the colonies in
the convict era, bolstered by the overwhelming maleness of frontier society, male
same-sex desire found fertile ground in which to develop.
2 A national male ethos
based on rural life and mateship became a dominant cultural theme by the second
half of the nineteenth century, leaving the boundaries very unclear between mateship,
homosocial and homosexual behaviour.

A Poem by the Fourteenth-century Sufi poet Hafiz
from Alexandrian Songs
Homoerotic Poems - Mikhail Alekseevich Kuz'min (1872 - 1936)
Temple of Antinous
The New Religion of Antinous the Gay God, based in Hollywood California. Includes articles, Art, and Gay Spirituality.

Antinous (Museo Pio-Clementino)
The grief of the emperor knew no bounds, causing the most extravagant veneration to be paid to Antinous' memory. Cities were founded in his name, medals struck with his likeness, and cities throughout the east commissioned godlike images of the dead youth for their shrines and sanctuaries.[7] Following the example of Alexander (who sought divine honours for his beloved general, Hephaestion, when he died) Hadrian had Antinous proclaimed a god. Temples were built for his worship in Bithynia, Mantineia in Arcadia, and Athens, festivals celebrated in his honour and oracles delivered in his name. The city of Antinopolis or Antinoe was founded on the site of Hir-wer where he died (Dio Cassius lix.11; Spartianus, "Hadrian"). One of Hadrian's attempts at extravagant remembrance failed, when the proposal to create a constellation of Antinous being lifted to heaven by an eagle (the constellation Aquila) failed of adoption.
After deification, Antinous was associated with and depicted as the Ancient Egyptian god Osiris, associated with the rebirth of the Nile. Antinous was also depicted as the Roman Bacchus, a god related to fertility, cutting vine leaves. Antinous's was the only non-imperial head ever to appear on the coinage.[8]
Worship, or at least acknowledgment, of the idealized Antinous was widespread, although mainly outside the city of Rome. As a result, Antinous is one of the best-preserved faces from the ancient world. Many busts, gems and coins represent Antinous as the ideal type of youthful beauty, often with the attributes of some special god. They include a colossal bust in the Vatican,[9] a bust in the Louvre (the Antinous Mondragone), a bas-relief from the Villa Albani,[10] a statue in the Capitoline museum (the so-called Capitoline Antinous, now accepted to be a portrayal of Hermes), another in Berlin, another in the Lateran and one in the Fitzwilliam Museum; and many more may be seen in museums across Europe.
There are also statues in many archaeological museums in Greece including the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, the archaeological museums of Patras, Chalkis and Delphi. Although these may well be idealised images, they demonstrate what all contemporary writers described as Antinous's extraordinary beauty. Although many of the sculptures are instantly recognizable, some offer significant variation in terms of the suppleness and sensuality of the pose and features versus the rigidity and typical masculinity. In 1998 the remains of the monumental tomb of Antinous, or a temple to him, were discovered at Hadrian's Villa.[11]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Antinous (disambiguation).
Roberto Bolle - The God Antinous Risen
Men, Homosexuality, and the Gods
An Exploration into the Religious Significance of Male Homosexuality in World Perspective
By John Dececco, Phd, Ronald Long
Published July 29th 2004 by Routledge – 198 pages
Men, Homosexuality, and the Gods: An Exploration into the Religious Significance of Male Homosexuality in World Perspective is an eye-opening look at the traditions of particular religions and their edicts concerning gay sex. This book examines the origins of holy directives involving homosexuality—whether forbidden, tolerated, or mandatory—and establishes a link between theology, sex roles, and the sensitive issue of masculinity. This text draws a parallel between homosexuality and the idea of religion, suggesting that gay rights can be understood as a freedom of religion issue.
While most readers are familiar with the traditional Islamic, Christian, and Hebrew prohibitions against sex between two males, this book also reveals other historic religions from around the world that neither opposed nor looked down on homosexuality. Men, Homosexuality, and the Gods argues that masculinity is the universal theme that formed historical interpretation—warriors and men of high status could not be sexually receptive or “feminine” and still be called “men.” This intriguing text shows how the modern homophile movements are in effect redefining masculinity to obliterate the stigma of being a sexually receptive man.
While most readers are familiar with the traditional Islamic, Christian, and Hebrew prohibitions against sex between two males, this book also reveals other historic religions from around the world that neither opposed nor looked down on homosexuality. Men, Homosexuality, and the Gods argues that masculinity is the universal theme that formed historical interpretation—warriors and men of high status could not be sexually receptive or “feminine” and still be called “men.” This intriguing text shows how the modern homophile movements are in effect redefining masculinity to obliterate the stigma of being a sexually receptive man.

Gay masculinities - Peter M. Nardi - Google Books
Without question, the media have perpetuated stereotypes of gay men, often portraying them as effeminate. Such a limited depiction illustrates the problematic ...
Gay masculinities
Without question, the media have perpetuated stereotypes of gay men, often portraying them as effeminate. Such a limited depiction illustrates the problematic conflation of gender roles and sexual orientation, raising important questions about the relationship between the two. The articles collected in this volume represent an attempt to understand how contemporary gay men in the United States engage in, contest, and modify controlling notions of masculinity. Peter Nardi, with contributions from leading scholars in the field of gay studies, examines the ways in which gay men develop a sense of masculine identity, with a special emphasis on the every day lives of gay men. These essays consider a great range of issues, from gay masculine identity in business, church, home, and community, to interpersonal relationships of gay men. A fascinating and thought-provoking addition to the Research on Men and Masculinities series, Gay Masculinities is a must read for any scholar of sociology, gender studies, education, anthropology, psychology, or communication

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