"Satyrs at Play" - aediculaantinoi.wordpress.com: HADRIAN and ANTINOUS finally release their embrace, and notice DIONYSOS

Friday, February 17, 2012

6:40 AM 2/17/2012: Front page Friday 17 February: Sick and disabled people could be forced to work... via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 2/17/12

Mike Nova's starred items

"Across southern Europe, the 'ugly German' is back – accused of driving other na...

via Financial Times's Facebook Wall by Financial Times on 2/14/12

"Across southern Europe, the 'ugly German' is back – accused of driving other nations into penury, deposing governments and generally barking orders at all and sundry." Read Gideon Rachman's column here: http://on.ft.com/A5tXma - Illustration by Ingram Pinn

Gennady Zyuganov, an old warhorse of Russian politics, is lined up to lose to Pu...

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 2/10/12

Gennady Zyuganov, an old warhorse of Russian politics, is lined up to lose to Putin in any second round for the presidency

Kremlin has plan B for poll run-off - FT.com
For the first time, Vladimir Putin faces the possibility of a run-off for the presidency in March if his first-round vote falls below 50 per cent. In that case, the Kremlin has a fail-safe back-up plan.

Today's Global Insight column comes from Richard McGregor in Washington

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 2/13/12

Today's Global Insight column comes from Richard McGregor in Washington
Religious issues lose potency in US - FT.com
It has been 40 years since Richard Nixon, influenced by an analysis that the majority of US voters were “unyoung, unpoor and unblack”, set on social issues to lure blue-collar Democrats into the Republican camp.

Popular Moscow radio station faces a board shake-up after criticism by Putin

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 2/14/12

Popular Moscow radio station faces a board shake-up after criticism by Putin
Move to curb Moscow radio station - FT.com
The Kremlin-connected owners of a popular and outspoken radio station have demanded a shake-up at the broadcaster, prompting fears of a media crackdown as Vladimir Putin faces unprecedented protests.

As Syria crisis deepens, Ankara and Washington work together again. Today's Glob...

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 2/16/12

As Syria crisis deepens, Ankara and Washington work together again. Today's Global Insight from Daniel Dombey in Istanbul

Front page Friday 17 February: Sick and disabled people could be forced to work...

via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 2/17/12

Front page Friday 17 February: Sick and disabled people could be forced to work for nothing

Guardian front pages

Beijing’s military spending will reach $238.2 billion in 2015, compared with $23...

via The Wall Street Journal's Facebook Wall by The Wall Street Journal on 2/15/12

Beijing’s military spending will reach $238.2 billion in 2015, compared with $232.5 billion for rest of the region.

China’s Military Spending to Double by 2015 – Report
China’s defense budget will double by 2015, making it more than the rest of the Asia Pacific region’s combined, a new report says.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Anthony Shadid, today in Sy...

via The New York Times's Facebook Wall by The New York Times on 2/16/12

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Anthony Shadid, today in Syria. A collection of Anthony's remarkable reporting for The Times, in articles and video, is available here: http://nyti.ms/ncPmtj

Anthony Shadid, Reporter in the Middle East, Dies at 43
Mr. Shadid, a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, spent most of his professional life covering the Middle East and was esteemed throughout his career for being an insightful analyst.

Russian Security Services Erase Role of Magas in 2004 Beslan Attack

via Russia Blogs's Facebook Wall by Russia Blogs on 2/15/12

Russian Security Services Erase Role of Magas in 2004 Beslan Attack
Russian Security Services Erase Role of Magas in 2004 Beslan Attack
On February 8, the newspaper Kommersant shed light on the current situation of the prominent Ingush militant leader Emir Magas (aka Ali Taziev, Ahmed Yevloev) – the only high-profile militant leader captured by the Russian security services alive in the past few years. In June 2010, Magas was arrested in Ingushetia and transferred to the FSB’s (Federal Security Service) Lefortovo prison in Moscow, but since then the public has received very...

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5:48 AM 2/17/2012: Breaking News : German President Christian Wulff has resigned this morning - German President Wulff quits over sleaze probe via Reuters: World News on 2/17/12 - Mike Nova's starred items

Mike Nova's starred items

Breaking News : German President Christian Wulff has resigned this morning.

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 2/17/12

Breaking News : German President Christian Wulff has resigned this morning.
Breaking News : German President Christian Wulff has resigned this morning.
Breaking News : German President Christian Wulff has resigned this morning.

German President Wulff quits over sleaze probe

via Reuters: World News on 2/17/12

BERLIN (Reuters) - German President Christian Wulff resigned on Friday after state prosecutors asked parliament on Thursday to remove his legal immunity over accusations that he accepted favors.

German president set to resign, in blow to Merkel

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 2/17/12

German president set to resign, in blow to Merkel
German president set to resign, in blow to Merkel
BERLIN (Reuters) - Angela Merkel's hand-picked choice for the ceremonial post of president was expected to resign Friday in a scandal over political favors, dealing a blow to the German chancellor in the midst of the euro zone crisis.

German President Could Lose His Immunity

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 2/17/12

German President Could Lose His Immunity
German President Could Lose His Immunity
Prosecutors requested on Thursday that Germany’s president be stripped of immunity from prosecution, saying they had evidence of his improper ties to business executives.

German president set to resign, in blow to Merkel

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 2/17/12

German president set to resign, in blow to Merkel
German president set to resign, in blow to Merkel
BERLIN (Reuters) - Angela Merkel's hand-picked choice for the ceremonial post of president was expected to resign Friday in a scandal over political favors, dealing a blow to the German chancellor in the midst of the euro zone crisis.

President Wulff’s Immunity Challenged in Germany

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 2/16/12

President Wulff’s Immunity Challenged in Germany
President Wulff’s Immunity Challenged in Germany
Prosecutors requested that Parliament strip President Christian Wulff of his immunity, saying they had “factual indications” of his inappropriate connections to executives.

(title unknown)

via News - Links's Facebook Wall by News - Links on 2/17/12

Analysis: Putin's state sector crackdown short on substance
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin has ordered Russia's state firms to clean up their act, but without fundamental reforms he may only scratch the surface of endemic graft and conflicts of interest that

In Russia, Putin allies sharpen anti-American attacks ahead of elections - Washi...

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 2/16/12

In Russia, Putin allies sharpen anti-American attacks ahead of elections - Washington Post

In Russia, Putin allies sharpen anti-American attacks ahead of elections - Washington Post
Christian Science MonitorIn Russia, Putin allies sharpen anti-American attacks ahead of electionsWashington PostMOSCOW — A nasty spate of anti-Americanism set off by Vladimir V. Putin has grown into waves of attacks aimed at the new American ambassador and Russian opposition leaders, raising questions about the future of US-Russian relations.Putin on trial?...

UN General Assembly Condemns Syria

via News's Facebook Wall by News on 2/17/12

UN General Assembly Condemns Syria

UN General Assembly Condemns Syria
The UN General Assembly has approved a nonbinding resolution endorsing an Arab League plan that calls on Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to leave office.

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