Mike Nova shared a link via Steven Petrow's Gay Manners.
via Gay News - New York's Facebook Wall by Gay News - New York on 2/27/13
Some companies to back gay marriage in coming Supreme Court cases - Yahoo! News (blog)
Yahoo! News (blog)
Some companies to back gay marriage in coming Supreme Court cases
Yahoo! News (blog)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some U.S. business interests …

Some companies to back gay marriage in coming Supreme Court cases - Yahoo! News (blog)
Yahoo! News (blog)
Some companies to back gay marriage in coming Supreme Court cases
Yahoo! News (blog)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some U.S. business interests …

Some companies to back gay marriage in coming Supreme Court cases - Yahoo! News (blog)
via Gay News - New York's Facebook Wall by Gay News - New York on 2/27/13
Corporations urge Supreme Court to embrace gay marriage - Reuters
ABC News
Corporations urge Supreme Court to embrace gay marriage
Separately, lawyers representing another group of employers, including some of the same companies, had said …

Corporations urge Supreme Court to embrace gay marriage - Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chuck Hagel, a decorated Vietnam veteran, swore in as the defense secretary at a small, closed-door ceremony on Wednesday, after a bruising confirmation battle in the Senate. Hagel will address Pentagon employees at 10:30 a.m. EST. He was confirmed by the Senate on Tuesday in the closest vote ever for a defense secretary, with just four Republicans voting for him. (Reporting by Phil Stewart)
ABC News
Corporations urge Supreme Court to embrace gay marriage
Separately, lawyers representing another group of employers, including some of the same companies, had said …

Corporations urge Supreme Court to embrace gay marriage - Reuters
via Steve Rothaus' Gay South Florida by Steve Rothaus on 2/27/13
WASHINGTON -- Prominent Republicans, retired military leaders and U.S. businesses are among the factions ready to ask the Supreme Court to support marriage equality in two cases up for argument next month.
The effort is being coordinated by gay rights groups and is designed to show the justices the rapid and widespread evolution of views about same-sex marriage, now legal in nine states and the District of Columbia. Religious leaders, labor groups and gay people who live in states that prohibit them from marrying are also weighing in.
The justices will hear the dispute over California's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage on March 26, followed a day later by a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act provision that denies legally married gay couples a range of federal benefits available to heterosexual married couples.
Mary Bonauto, the director of the Civil Rights Project at Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders who is coordinating legal briefs that are due at the court later this week, said that the military, business, labor and other filings will have a "truth-telling function" about the reality of life for gays and lesbians, and they will share a common theme. "Gay and lesbian families and their children are here to stay," Bonauto said.
Businesses who already have signed onto the brief in the California case include Apple, eBay, Facebook, Intel, Morgan Stanley, Nike and Xerox. "We file this brief to add more voices to the growing chorus that Proposition 8, and similar laws barring equal access to marriage for same-sex couples, are unconstitutional and should be invalidated," the companies say, according to a draft of the brief provided by the Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe law firm. California is among 30 states with constitutional provisions that prohibit same-sex marriage, Roughly 10 others do so by statute.
Click here to read more.
WASHINGTON -- Prominent Republicans, retired military leaders and U.S. businesses are among the factions ready to ask the Supreme Court to support marriage equality in two cases up for argument next month.
The effort is being coordinated by gay rights groups and is designed to show the justices the rapid and widespread evolution of views about same-sex marriage, now legal in nine states and the District of Columbia. Religious leaders, labor groups and gay people who live in states that prohibit them from marrying are also weighing in.
The justices will hear the dispute over California's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage on March 26, followed a day later by a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act provision that denies legally married gay couples a range of federal benefits available to heterosexual married couples.
Mary Bonauto, the director of the Civil Rights Project at Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders who is coordinating legal briefs that are due at the court later this week, said that the military, business, labor and other filings will have a "truth-telling function" about the reality of life for gays and lesbians, and they will share a common theme. "Gay and lesbian families and their children are here to stay," Bonauto said.
Businesses who already have signed onto the brief in the California case include Apple, eBay, Facebook, Intel, Morgan Stanley, Nike and Xerox. "We file this brief to add more voices to the growing chorus that Proposition 8, and similar laws barring equal access to marriage for same-sex couples, are unconstitutional and should be invalidated," the companies say, according to a draft of the brief provided by the Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe law firm. California is among 30 states with constitutional provisions that prohibit same-sex marriage, Roughly 10 others do so by statute.
Click here to read more.
via Yahoo! News - Top Stories on 2/27/13
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