"Satyrs at Play" - aediculaantinoi.wordpress.com: HADRIAN and ANTINOUS finally release their embrace, and notice DIONYSOS

Friday, March 29, 2013

PUERTO RICO NEWS: 9:22 AM 3/29/2013

PUERTO RICO NEWS: 9:22 AM 3/29/2013: 9:22 AM 3/29/2013 puerto rican community in usa - Google News FRI MARCH 29 TH , 2013 Sonia Sotomayor Question On Gay Marriag...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 10:07 AM 3/27/2013

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: 10:07 AM 3/27/2013: лицо путина - Google News WED MARCH 27 TH , 2013 Запад прочит Путину своего Брута в лице Иванова - Ридус SHARED BY  1...

NEWS: World - 8:42 AM 3/27/2013

NEWS: World - 8:42 AM 3/27/2013: World - 8:42 AM 3/27/2013 Voice of America WED MARCH 27 TH , 2013 VOA NEWS usa Obama to Appoint First Female Se...

NEWS: World News Review - 8:17 AM 3/27/2013 - Mike Nova'...

NEWS: World News Review - 8:17 AM 3/27/2013 - Mike Nova'...: Mike Nova's marked news links 69  SHARED STORIES · 0  FOLLOWERS · THIS IS YOUR BLURBLOG World News - Bre...

PUERTO RICO NEWS: 3.27.13 - Scammer takes Univ. of Puerto Rico for $...

PUERTO RICO NEWS: 3.27.13 - Scammer takes Univ. of Puerto Rico for $...: - Scammer takes Univ. of Puerto Rico for $150000 - GlobalPost via  puerto rico news - Google News  on 3/26/13 Scammer t...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A 50-State Ruling - NYT Editorial

The New York Times

March 25, 2013

A 50-State Ruling

California’s Proposition 8 rewrote the state’s Constitution so that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, for purposes of any federal law, defined the word marriage to mean “only a legal union between one man and one woman.”
The Supreme Court will hear arguments on challenges to Proposition 8 on Tuesday and Defense of Marriage on Wednesday. In both cases, the court should rule that the Constitution prohibits the federal government and every state from defining the fundamental right of marriage so narrowly and fully protects the liberty of same-sex couples.
When Proposition 8 was on the California ballot in 2008, the official pamphlet explaining the initiative said that it did not “take away any rights or benefits of gay or lesbian domestic partnerships,” which have the “ ‘same rights, protections, and benefits’ as married spouses.”
As the California Supreme Court said about legal attacks on same-sex marriage, the point of denying gay marriages was to say officially that these relationships were not of “comparable stature or equal dignity” to opposite-sex marriages. The intent was to stigmatize them, enshrine discrimination in law and encourage discrimination against gay men, lesbians and same-sex couples. The federal Defense of Marriage Act does the same, with the same effects. And in depriving same-sex couples and their children of federal recognition and benefits, it fails to meet any test under the Constitution.
In the Proposition 8 case, it is widely agreed that the Supreme Court has four options, if it does not, unconscionably, uphold the initiative. It could allow same-sex marriage only in California or it could dismiss the case on grounds that the initiative’s sponsors had no standing to bring the appeal (by not ruling on the merits, the result would very likely be to allow same-sex couples to marry in California).
The court could also decide that California and the seven other states that allow civil unions equivalent to marriage cannot deny same-sex couples the status of marriage. But accepting the “eight state solution” would be a half-step and would have to be revisited in the near future.
The soundest approach is to recognize same-sex marriage broadly as a matter of equality under the Constitution — and therefore compel all states as well as the federal government to recognize this right. In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down a Texas sodomy law as violating constitutionally protected liberty, Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the court, said, “As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.”
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people have been seeking the freedom to live openly, to be treated equally and to marry as they choose. They have helped bring about a major shift in public opinion in the past decade in favor of same-sex marriage; they are now joined by leading Republicans and many of America’s most important companies in making the powerful case for marriage equality before the court.
Support now for same-sex marriage — more than half in favor, about one-third against — is roughly the public divide on the question of public school desegregation in 1954 when the Supreme Court outlawed segregated schools in Brown v. Board of Education. But the court’s call then for states to end racial discrimination in public schools “with all deliberate speed” was a big error. It gave states far too much latitude to move slowly and gave them an excuse for resistance, which delayed desegregation in many school districts for many years.
The court should avoid that kind of error in the same-sex-marriage cases. It should broadly declare that under the Constitution the right to marry applies equally to all couples, period, and that this principle applies to the federal government and every state.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Homosexuality and Christianity

Homosexuality and Christianity

Psychohistorically, Christianity can be viewed as a religion of heterosexual protest and domination; as a reaction to its predecessor and precursor: deeply homosexually tinged, although universal (as a cult of beauty and masculine strength, a cult of male warrior-statesman, introduced by Hadrian as a unifying ideological "mortar" for the Empire), religion of Antinous. The issue and subject of sexuality is one of the central in both religions and in the subsequent developments of religious thought.

homosexuality and christianity - GS

Mike Nova: Antinopolis has to be restored and rebuild and made into a place of pilgrimage, modern worship, scientific and religious scholarship, cultural, and sports and athletic center.

Mike Nova: Antinopolis has to be restored and rebuild and made into a place of pilgrimage, modern worship, scientific and religious scholarship, cultural, and sports and athletic center for both straights and gays. It will have enormous curative, normalizing effect on both the world at large and surrounding Muslim regions, including first of all the tumultuous and searching Egypt in transition. 

Antinopolis Today

Today not much remains of the ancient city of Antinopolis. In its place, El Sheikh Ibada, a small mud village surrounded by the crumbled ruins of what was once a city of worship. There is not much left to see of the ancient city, for many structures were robbed out to make other buildings, such as sugar factories for El-Rodah, but visitors can still see the remains of the Roman Circus and ruins of a few temples. (Stillwell, 1976). There are no current archaeological projects taking place around the former city of Antinous.
Antinopolis (Antinoöpolis, Antinoopolis, Antinoë) (Greek: Ἀντινόου πόλις, Coptic...See More

Photo: Fotógrafos rusos escalan ilegalmente la Gran Pirámide de Egipto para tomar varias fotografías. Via Reddit. Foto 2

Fotógrafos rusos escalan ilegalmente la Gran Pirámide de Egipto para tomar varias fotografías. Via RedditFoto 2

Did Antinous climb the Great Pyramid when Hadrian took him to Egypt in 130 AD? How could he resist? Today it is "illegal" ... but Egypt is in such chaos that a little "baksheesh" (bribe) allows you to get up to the top ... even at night ... like this Russian photographer. The view must have been as breath-taking for Antinous as it is for us ... the lights of the Nile Valley go right up to the desert ... no better metaphor for the divide between the "Land of the Living" and the "Land of the Dead" ... only in Egypt is the dividing line so clear ....

Friday, March 22, 2013

NEWS: 5:16 PM 3/22/2013

NEWS: 5:16 PM 3/22/2013: Mike Nova's marked news links 14  SHARED STORIES · 0  FOLLOWERS · THIS IS YOUR BLURBLOG NYT > Politic...

Becoming the All-Terrain Human - www.nytimes.com

via The New York Times's Facebook Wall by The New York Times on 3/22/13
“The important thing is not to catch something. The important thing,” Kilian Jornet said, “is moving.” Discover what one elite endurance athlete can tell us about the human body’s potential.

Becoming the All-Terrain Human
For Kilian Jornet, running across the Pyrenees is like a jog in the park. What one elite endurance athlete can tell us about the human body’s potential.

The suspected shooter, a male Marine, apparently shot himself.

The Marine Base Quantico, spokesman Lt. Agustin Solivan briefs reporters following a shooting incident on the base Friday March 22, 2013. Three people, including the suspect, were killed in the shooting at Marine Base Quantico, Solivan said early Friday. He said they believe the suspect, whose name wasn't released, is a staff member at the officer candidate school at the base. No information on the victim was immediately released. (AP Photo/Matthew Barakat)The suspected shooter, a male Marine, apparently shot himself.

MARCH 17th is the anniversary of the death of Marcus Aurelius and we in the Religion of Antinous set aside this day each year to remember the last of the great philosopher-emperors

Of Marcus Aurelius - ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD

from antinous religion - Google Blog Search by Hernestus

MARCH 17th is the anniversary of the death of Marcus Aurelius and we in the Religion of Antinous set aside this day each year to remember the last of the great philosopher-emperors, and a man who knew both Hadrian and ... -http://antinousgaygod.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-apotheosis-of-marcus-aurelius-march.html
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