"Satyrs at Play" - aediculaantinoi.wordpress.com: HADRIAN and ANTINOUS finally release their embrace, and notice DIONYSOS

Friday, August 17, 2012

Верховный суд России отклонил жалобу на запрет "пропаганды гомосексуализма" | Pussy Riot: всем - по два года колонии

Верховный суд России отклонил жалобу на запрет "пропаганды гомосексуализма"



Верховный суд России отклонил жалобу на запрет "пропаганды гомосексуализма"

Верховный суд России отклонил жалобу на решение Архангельского областного суда 22 мая 2012 года о законности введения запрета на так называемую "пропаганду гомосексуализма". Заявителем была Татьяна Винниченко, руководитель ЛГБТ-организации "Ракурс" (Архангельск). Как сообщает "Российская ЛГБТ-сеть", заседание состоялось 15 августа. Пока готова только резолютивная часть решения Верховного суда России, мотивировочная появится позже.

Фактически Верховный суд России одобрил ограничение конституционных прав граждан. Законы о так называемой "пропаганде гомосексуализма" среди несовершеннолетних используются для ограничения свободного распространения информации о положении и проблемах геев, лесбиянок, бисексуалов и трансгендеров, они создают почву для систематического нарушения прав человека в России.

Валерий Созаев ("Российская ЛГБТ-сеть") считает, что "Верховный суд России в своем правовом нигилизме ушел недалеко от Архангельского областного суда...". "В этой связи интересно, какие решения им будут приняты по аналогичным жалобам из других регионов", - добавил Созаев.

"Пропаганда гомосексуализма имеет право на существование так же, как и "старушка зонтика", "черепаха метлы", "реализм бедра" или "калькулятор треугольника", - цитирует "...ЛГБТ-сеть" Татьяну Винниченко. - Депутаты областного собрания почему-то сочли информацию о гомосексуальности "наносящей вред здоровью, нравственному и духовному развитию ребенка", однако аргументов, подтверждающих обоснованность такого вывода, суду предоставлено не было".

Напомним, законы о запрете так называемой "гомопропаганды" действуют в 7 регионах России. Готовятся к принятию, по меньшей мере, в 5 регионах, а также на федеральном уровне. По мнению правозащитников, они используются для ограничения целого ряда конституционных прав граждан - в том числе свободу собраний, слова и так далее.

Pussy Riot: всем - по два года колонии

Pussy Riot: всем - по два года колонии Хамовнический суд Москвы 17 августа огласил приговор участницам группы Pussy Riot. Люди у здания суда так встретили эту новость.From: SvobodaRadio Views: 78 12 ratingsTime: 04:02 More in News & Politics

Pussy Riot: всем - по два года колонии

Published on Aug 17, 2012 by
Хамовнический суд Москвы 17 августа огласил приговор участницам группы Pussy Riot. Люди у здания суда так встретили эту новость.


то что у нас правосудие марионеточное не для кого не секрет

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    Богородица, Дево, Путина прогони
    Путина прогони, Путина прогони

    (конец хора)

    Черная ряса, золотые погоны
    Все прихожане ползут на поклоны
    Призрак свободы на небесах
    Гей-прайд отправлен в Сибирь в кандалах

    Глава КГБ, их главный святой
    Ведет протестующих в СИЗО под конвой
    Чтобы Святейшего не оскорбить
    Женщинам нужно рожать и любить

    Срань, срань, срань Господня
    Срань, срань, срань Господня


    Богородица, Дево, стань феминисткой
    Стань феминисткой, феминисткой стань

    (конец хора)

    Церковная хвала прогнивших воджей
    Крестный ход из черных лимузинов
    В школу к тебе собирается проповедник
    Иди на урок - принеси ему денег!

    Патриарх Гундяй верит в Путина
    Лучше бы в Бога, сука, верил
    Пояс девы не заменит митингов -
    На протестах с нами Приснодева Мария!


    Богородица, Дево, Путина прогони
    Путина прогони, Путина прогони

    (конец хора)



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    Top Comments

    • Никакой Чикатило не вызывал у православной дряни такой злобы, как эти, ничего ни у кого не отобравшие девчонки, коим православы мечтают поломать жизни. Такова моральная иерархия правосл. дряни. В ней цена человеческой жизни равна нулю. Таково свойство любого раба - за трусливым смиренничанием пред божком или хозяином прячется остервенелая абсурдная злоба. Ох и уроды.

    Суд над Pussy Riot. День приговора - 8/17/2012


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    марлезонский балет . пятое отделение.

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    The Illuminator projecting on the Russian Consulate in NYC tonight!
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    Суд над Pussy Riot. День приговора.
    Photo: Суд над Pussy Riot. День приговора.

      Mike Nova shared Ирина Шадрина's photo.
    Алексеева на Дожде прямо сейчас защищает девчонок!
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    Montan estatuas de David Beckham en calzoncillos en Nueva York | ¿de quién te gustaría ver una estatua así en Puerto Rico? http://www.ow.ly/d2N9Q

    Tuesday, August 14, 2012

    Facebook Makes Big Move On Marijuana Reform

    Facebook Makes Big Move On Marijuana Reform:
    Facebook turned over a new leaf Monday, unblocking advertisements promoting a marijuana legalization campaign involving a set of November ballot initiatives across the country.

    The social media giant conceded to Internet freedom advocates over the past week that it had erred in yanking a pro-legalization group's ads from its network because of pot leaf images. Parties involved in the controversy confirmed the Facebook decision to The Huffington Post on Monday.

    Just Say Now organizer Brian Sonenstein told The Huffington Post that the leafy ads were no longer listed as disapproved on Facebook.

    When the online campaign's ads were submitted for review earlier this year, Facebook outright rejected them, as it did the group's ads two years ago. In 2010, Facebook took down Just Say Now's ads after about a week on the social network.

    More than 15,000 supporters signed an online petition calling for Facebook to bring back the latest batch of Just Say Now ads, catching the eye of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California.

    The two free speech groups approached Just Say Now and Students for Sensible Drug Policy — which had found itself in a similar situation — about appealing to Facebook. Electronic Frontier Foundation activism director Rainey Reitman and ACLU staff attorney Linda Lye said they held several discussions with Facebook executives from Wednesday to Friday. Lye said the Facebook representatives were "quick to admit" they had either misinterpreted or failed to follow Facebook advertising guidelines.

    "Their position was very clear -- and we certainly applaud it -- which is that Facebook is a neutral platform," Lye said. "It does not weigh in on political advocacy, and it was a mistake to reject the ads."

    In a statement last week, Facebook spokeswoman Gwendolyn Belomy said the company's advertising policy had not changed.

    "We do allow images of marijuana in ads under circumstances, such as a political debate," Belomy said. "However, we do not allow ads for illegal activity, such as the sale of marijuana."

    Belomy did not respond to a follow-up question on whether Facebook acknowledged a "mistake" in blocking the marijuana leaf ads.

    For some legalization advocates, including Sonenstein, the ads' restoration shows a broader shift in public attitudes toward pot laws.

    "Marijuana's knocking on the door at this point," Sonenstein said. "The initiatives and the campaigns are much stronger this year. Support is where it's never been, at least in the last 30 to 40 years. … It's just one of those things where people are starting to say, 'Well, I guess we better get on one side of this issue or the other,' because public perception is changing."

    Just Say Now, an online campaign started by progressive blog Firedoglake.com, was launched in 2010 to push for ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana in Arizona, Oregon, California, Colorado and South Dakota. This election cycle, Sonenstein said Just Say Now is supporting major pot law reforms in six states.

    When Facebook first pulled the pro-legalization ads in 2010, Firedoglake.com organizer Michael Whitney likened hiding the marijuana leaf to "running a campaign and saying you can't show the candidate's face."

    In a blog post on the ACLU's website Monday morning, Lye praised Facebook's reversal as a "victory for free speech on the Internet." She warned that Facebook's ambition to become the "virtual town square" will be stymied if its advertising policies have built-in censorship.

    "They did the right thing here," Electronic Frontier Foundation's Reitman told The Huffington Post. "But this is just going to keep coming up again and again both on Facebook and other sites as more of our political discussions and our societal discussions kind of move in to these online spaces."

    Monday, August 13, 2012

    Facebook becomes shitty and irrelevant. Do your own blogs - it is much better.

    Facebook becomes shitty and irrelevant. Do your own blogs - it is much better.

    WE Party & Gay-ville are ready to PLAY - MADRID PRIDE 2012

    WE Party & Gay-ville are ready to PLAY - MADRID PRIDE 2012:

    WE Party & Gay-ville Present: MADRID PRIDE 2012 Get your tickets now - www.gaypartix.com/parties/MADRID/we-players/index.htm Produced and directed by Eliad Cohen and Victor Pallas Shooting by Nir Sarig Editing and post production - Yosi Lagzeal Music by Barak Ben David Starring- Eliad Cohen, Antonio Collado Garcia, Gila Goldstein, Jack Jefferson. Special thanks to Ohad Heim, Kristina Deetox, Elad Baron.
    More in

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    Friday, August 10, 2012

    Link: PUERTO RICO NEWS: 8/10/2012

    PUERTO RICO NEWS: 8/10/2012: Puerto Rico the 51st state? Not likely. - World - Macleans.ca - Thursday, August 09, 2012 - Mika Rekai On Nov. 6, Puerto Rico is holding...

    Wednesday, August 8, 2012

    Tuesday, August 7, 2012

    Sweet Manhattan, a very short story


    Sweet Manhattan

    47, still sexy and gorgeous, thin, long legged, bouncy (gym - five times a week); three teenage boys and unconditional worshiper – husband – chiropractor, big house in Queens and psychotherapy practice (“relationships problems, mostly”), and...
    - And, you know, Esther, it's like I don't care any more.
    Esther is a good old friend; one of the very few who still is there.
    - Nothing makes sense; it's just a game. I am a mechanical toy. Someone tightened my spring up and it unwinds itself gradually, through the years; that's all there is in it. The same emptiness, and nothing fills it up.
    - I dig you. Well, I will fill up my glass, - chuckled Esther, waiving to a waiter. - Manhattan; sweet.
    Esther loves her, managing to maintain their closeness with her elegant dry wit, framing her affection with it, as if to hold it firmly in place.
    - So tell me, what happened. Tell me. I know all your mental choreography. I like to watch you dancing. You did not call me for nothing. Who is it this time: Arabian sheik, mobster from Chicago or some local hoodlum?
    -Nothing happened. He went back to school to California. And this time it's different. He is just 26.
    - And how different is it? Oh, there is something serious going on. She kissed the rim of her full sweet Manhattan glass very carefully.
    - A bit too sweet for my taste.

    They met at the Upper East Side bar. She brought him into her spare Manhattan apartment (inherited from her German Jewish grandma – she was her favorite). He pulled out a knife on her after half an hour: “Give me the money!”
    “Sure”, she said, and knocked him out with a karate kick on a head. Sex was great afterward.
    - Well, to make a long story short and sweet, our poor little booby finally found himself a dominatrix; a mommy who can stand up to him, and that what he probably needs. Lucky boy, ah? And who of us is a psychologist, darling, you or me?
    Esther's wild smirk was ennobled by a display of incredibly white and natural looking teeth; a jewelry job, by the best dentist in town.
    - And you are telling me about all this just now, a month after it all ended? You really know how to keep your little secrets, sweety, don't you?
    She laughed again, and this time some overtones of anger and envy popped up in her voice.
    - These waiters here have such horny asses; they all are gays.
    She glanced at them critically.
    They sat at a cafe at MOMA; their usual spot, on a balcony above kouroses, Egyptian mummies and their sarcophagi.
    - And now you miss him. Oh, how sweet of you, darling.


    A classic 2:1 Manhattan, made with Canadian whisky, sweet vermouth, bitters, and a cherry


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    Sunday, August 5, 2012

    LUSH! - Tropical Flowers - 8.5.12

    LUSH! - Tropical Flowers - 8.5.12










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