"Satyrs at Play" - aediculaantinoi.wordpress.com: HADRIAN and ANTINOUS finally release their embrace, and notice DIONYSOS

Sunday, March 25, 2012

12:40 PM 3/25/2012 - Mike Nova shared on Facebook

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Mike Nova shared Andrey Nikolskiy's photo

Mike Nova shared Andrey Nikolskiy's photo.

Wall Photos Если это правда, то какие же они алчные
http://www.rosbalt.ru/moscow/2012/03/22/960327.html By: Andrey Nikolskiy

"Золотая" пыль патриарха

kremlin.ru. Патриарх Кирилл

Патриарх Кирилл уже в ближайшее время может значительно улучшить свои жилищные условия. Его представители сумели добиться наложения ареста на квартиру в престижном "Доме на набережной", которая принадлежит врачу-кардиохирургу, бывшему министру здравоохранения Юрию Шевченко, и располагается по соседству с жилищем патриарха Кирилла (Владимира Гундяева). Суд решил, что именно ценой собственных апартаментов Шевченко может возместить непоправимый урон, нанесенный имуществу Гундяева. Мебель и книги патриарха оказались покрыты слоем пыли, которая, как посчитали служители Фемиды, прилетела из квартиры экс-министра. При подсчете гигантской суммы ущерба учитывались даже наночастицы, обнаруженные в жилище Гундяева.
Подробнее: http://www.rosbalt.ru/moscow/2012/03/22/960327.html

 patriarch kirill watch - GS

$30,000 Watch Vanishes Up Church Leader’s Sleeve 


Press Service of the Patriarch
A Breguet watch on Patriarch Kirill I, left, vanished in a doctored photo, but its reflection on the table remained. The Russian Orthodox Church Web site later restored it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"World" bundle created by Mike Nova


"World" bundle created by Mike Nova

A bundle is a collection of blogs and websites hand-selected by your friend on a particular topic or interest. You can keep up to date with them all in one place by subscribing in Google Reader.

There are

34 feeds included in this bundle

The most interesting question about humans and less than humans is in their main difference, or lack of such, with nonhumans

The most interesting question about humans and less than humans is in their main difference, or lack of such, with nonhumans.

Russia Blogs | Robert Amsterdam on Vladimir Putin's Russia - CBC Radio interview

Russia Blogs

Robert Amsterdam on Vladimir Putin's Russia - CBC Radio interview

Robert Amsterdam on Vladimir Putin's Russia - CBC Radio interview

As observers from the EU, the U.S., the OSCE and fifteen-thousand assorted and angry Moscovites questioned the veracity of Vladimir Putin's victory in Sunday's Russian elections. A Canadian man was watching from way over here. His own battles go back to the days of the first round of the Putin Presidency and the oil baron he couldn't save from Putin's prison....

Source: 'Russia Blogs' via Mike Nova in Google Reader

Published: 2012-03-22 18:37:00 GMT

Russia Blogs

EVENT: Putin, Russia, and the West: War [March 26 in

EVENT: Putin, Russia, and the West: War [March 26 in

EVENT: Putin, Russia, and the West: War [March 26 in Washington, D.C.] - RUSSIA, GEORGIA, U.S.-Rcdi.orgIn August 2008, Russia went to war with America's ally, Georgia. "War," the third part of the BBC Two series Putin, Russia, and the West, charts the intense negotiations that preceded the conflict. Russia's President Dmitri Medvedev and Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili reveal why war was nece...

Source: 'Russia Blogs' via Mike Nova in Google Reader

Russia Blogs

William Browder Testifies to Congress that Russian Government

William Browder Testifies to Congress that Russian Government

William Browder Testifies to Congress that Russian Government Now Functions as Criminal Enterprisecdi.org21 March 2012 William Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital Management, testified today at the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, stating that Russia no longer functions as a normal state, but is operating akin to a criminal enterprise. At the committee hearing entitled "Russia 2012: Increased Repres...

Source: 'Russia Blogs' via Mike Nova in Google Reader

Published: 2012-03-22 16:18:52 GMT

Observation | When nature is kinder to humans, they seem to be kinder to each other

Observation: When nature is kinder to humans, they seem to be kinder to each other.

William Browder Testifies to Congress that Russian Government

Russia Blogs

William Browder Testifies to Congress that Russian Government

William Browder Testifies to Congress that Russian Government

William Browder Testifies to Congress that Russian Government Now Functions as Criminal Enterprisecdi.org21 March 2012 William Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital Management, testified today at the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, stating that Russia no longer functions as a normal state, but is operating akin to a criminal enterprise. At the committee hearing entitled "Russia 2012: Increased Repres...

Source: 'Russia Blogs' via Mike Nova in Google Reader

Published: 2012-03-22 16:18:52 GMT

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William Browder Testifies to the U.S. Congress that Russian Government Now Functions as a Criminal Enterprise
Katie Fisher - Hermitage Fund - 3.21.12 - JRL 2012-54

From: "Katie Fisher" <Katie.Fisher@hermitagefund.com>
Subject: William Browder Testifies to the U.S. Congress that Russian Government Now Functions as a Criminal Enterprise
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012


U.S. Capitol

For Immediate Distribution

William Browder Testifies to the U.S. Congress that Russian Government Now Functions as a Criminal Enterprise

21 March 2012 William Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital Management, testified today at the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, stating that Russia no longer functions as a normal state, but is operating akin to a criminal enterprise. At the committee hearing entitled "Russia 2012: Increased Repression, Rampant Corruption, Assisting Rogue Regimes" Mr. Browder spoke about the story of his Russian lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who had uncovered and exposed a $230 million government corruption scheme, and was arrested and tortured to death in police custody by the same Russian officials he had exposed.

"The story I'm going to share with you will leave you in no doubt that the Russian state no longer functions as a normal state as we know it, but something more akin to a criminal enterprise," said Mr Browder to the U.S. congressmen.

"Sergei Magnitsky's case has become the most well-documented and emblematic case of the torture, corruption and state-sanctioned murder in modern Russia," said Mr Browder.

"While every facet of his story is appalling, what makes this case truly significant on an international scale is the high-level government cover-up that followed," said Mr Browder.

On the day after Sergei Magnitsky was murdered, the Russian Interior Ministry announced that he never complained about his health, and died of natural causes. Every single one of the police officers, prosecutors, judges, and members of the security service involved in his case have been formally exonerated. Some have even been promoted and granted state honors. Furthermore, in an attempt to protect these officials from any legal liability, Russian authorities have launched posthumous prosecution of Mr Magnitsky himself, two years after his death, and are now summoning his grieving mother as a witness in the case against her dead son.

Mr Browder said:

"This story is a heartbreaking story for Sergei's family, and me but it is the tip of an enormous iceberg in Russia. This story lays bare the face of Russia today."

In response to the impunity of Russian officials in this case, there are now 11 parliaments around the world, including the US Congress that are considering legislation on visa sanctions and asset freezes on the Russian officials responsible for the arrest and torture of Sergei Magnitsky and the massive corruption he had uncovered.

These measures are stipulated in 'Justice for Sergei Magnitsky Act' introduced by Representative Jim McGovern, Co-chairman of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, in the U.S. House of Representatives, and 'Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act' introduced by Senator Benjamin Cardin in the U.S. Senate. This draft legislation in the U.S. Congress has become the focus of the debate over the repeal of the Jackson-Vanik amendment and granting normal trade relations status to Russia, as part of its WTO accession.

Keywords: Russia, Government, Politics - Russia, Corruption - Russia, Human Rights - Russia, Assassinations, Beatings, Prison Deaths - Russian News - Russia

Scene from 'Great Wall Story'

Uploaded by PBSNewsHour on Mar 22, 2012 Read about this play on Art Beat: http://to.pbs.org/GNFYAW A scene from "Great Wall Story," a new play written by Lloyd Suh and produced by the Denver Center for the Performing Arts.

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Mike Nova: 2:29 PM 3/22/2012 | Mike Nova's starred items

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