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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Puerto Rico News - Sunday, March 18, 2012

via Puerto Rico Newswire on 3/18/12
... states of Illinois and Louisiana, while Puerto Ricans get their say in picking the GOP's presidential nominee. Puerto Rico's residents cannot vote in general elections, but are set to award 20 delegates in their Sunday Republican primary. Meanwhile, ...

via Puerto Rico Newswire on 3/18/12
Rick Santorum meets with Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno in San Juan last week ahead of today's GOP primary.

via Puerto Rico Newswire on 2/23/12
In a Feb. 21 story, The Associated Press reported erroneously that the governor of Puerto Rico would require all public schools to teach English.

Romney would support statehood for Puerto Rico
6 referendum on Puerto Rico's political status. Puerto Rico is currently a US territory. Romney said former President Ronald Reagan was a proponent of Puerto Rican statehood. He praised the island's culture and its residents' willingness to serve in ...

GOP might have to throw away convention script
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Mitt Romney shakes hands during a campaign stop on Saturday, March 17, 2012 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Photo: Evan Vucci, ASSOCIATED PRESS - AP CHICAGO - For the first time in a generation, Republicans are preparing for the possibility that their ...

A look at Puerto Rico, as it holds its 2012 Republican presidential nominating ...
Washington Post
A profile of Puerto Rico, which holds its Republican presidential primary Sunday: NUMBERS: Population: 3.7 million AGE: Median age: 36.9 Percentage of population 65 and over: 14.5 Percentage of population 75 and over: 6.2 RACE: 75.8 percent white; ...
Puerto Rican influence growing in Election 2012Boston Herald
A look at Puerto Rico as it holds its primaryBoston.com

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Puerto Rico a force in Florida voting
By Adam C. Smith, Times Political Editor SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — You know a presidential primary has turned into a scramble for every last delegate when the candidates start showing up in Puerto Rico. Politics is a boisterous pastime on this island ...
Romney Criticizes Sotomayor in Puerto RicoFox News
In Need of a Game Change, Santorum Plays Small BallNew York Times (blog)
Rick Santorum has history with Puerto RicoPolitico
Washington Post (blog) -DesMoinesRegister.com (blog)
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Puerto Rico votes; GOP candidates battle elsewhere
AP Sports News Video Entertainment News from AP Entertainment News from AP AP National News Video More>> Romney says he's on track to get a nominating majority before convention; rivals undeterred. More>> By KASIE HUNT Associated Press SAN JUAN, Puerto ...

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