"Satyrs at Play" - aediculaantinoi.wordpress.com: HADRIAN and ANTINOUS finally release their embrace, and notice DIONYSOS

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Links - 2

Mike Nova shared a link.
Видео-Новости - Видеоновости Uploads –2 - Видео – Ссылки - Видео – Оппозиция в России

US student guilty of hate crimes for spying on gay roommate

US student guilty of hate crimes for spying on gay roommate: US student guilty of hate crimes for spying on gay roommate

US student guilty of hate crimes for spying on gay roommate
US student guilty of hate crimes for spying on gay roommate

www.euronews.com An Indian student has been convicted of hate crimes in America after he used a webcam to spy on his university roommate kissing another man, in a case that caused a national outcry over anti-gay bullying. Dharun Ravi encouraged others to watch the feed....

Link: 11:30 AM 3/17/2012

Mike Nova shared a link.

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Юрий Хейфец - 17.03.2012


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Link: 3/15/2012 | Puerto Rico News

Mike Nova - 6:50 AM -

+1'd on prnewslinks.blogspot.com

6:48 AM 3/15/2012

Mike Nova's starred items. via CARIBBEAN BUSINESS's Facebook Wall by CARIBBEAN BUSINESS on 3/14/12. HootSuite Photos · Rick Santorum departs Louisiana for Puerto Rico after Southern victories....

Mike Nova likes a link.

6:48 AM 3/15/2012 | Puerto Rico News

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum declared victory in the Mississippi and Alabama Republican primaries at the Hilton Lafayette Tuesday night, and then caught a late-night flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico in the hopes that Fortuno would smile upon him.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
