Russian cultural center opens in Puerto Rico
Feb 26, 2013 11:01 Moscow Time
A ceremony in honor of the opening of a Russian cultural center in Puerto Rico took place in San Juan on Tuesday.
The gem of the newly opened center is its rich library which has thousands of books, including textbooks, reference books and works by Russian literary classics.
The center’s cinema house offers a wide collection of films about Russia while its computer rooms provide visitors with comprehensive information about the Russian history and culture and the country’s political and social life.
Speakers at the opening ceremony said that the center should provide Russian children adopted by Puerto Ricans with an opportunity to learn more about Russia and maintain connection with their homeland.
Voice of Russai, RIA
News and Opinions - Новости и Мнения: A blog about Russia and her relations with The West
2.21.13: Swaying the Opinions of the Russian Diaspora - | Арсенал средств традиционный — перекупить алчных, запугать боязливых, изолировать упрямых." - Подрабинек Александр | В России каждый год умирает до 300 усыновленных детей, однако к ответственности в связи с их гибелью практически никто не привлекается - Grani.Ru | Павел Астахов поменял показания // В Техасе не спешат делать выводы о причинах смерти Максима Кузьмина | U.S. Policy on Russia for Obama’s Second Term - By Ariel Cohen, Ph.D. | Russia Goes Back To The Future - Strategy Page - Mike Nova's starred items
June 21, 2012
For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian diaspora is no longer viewed as necessarily anti-Communist or hostile to the Kremlin. Moscow now actively seeks to curry favor with its emigrants and make them its emissaries. Using its embassies, government websites, and a network of establishments that promote Russian language and culture, its efforts to use public diplomacy to bring the Russian diaspora back into the Russian world are growing. Intelligence experts indicate, however, that since the days of the USSR, such efforts have been closely linked to Russia’s intelligence activities, including talent-spotting, recruitment, and operations of human intelligence (HUMINT) assets.
Russia is also monitoring and manipulating its domestic social media. The government leadership understands that social networking is one of the freest modes of exchange between Russians and the outside world, and it does not want to lose control of the message that Russia is a great power.
Organizations that track global Internet freedom have documented growing intimidation from Moscow of those who are critical of the Kremlin online.[51]
Without a strategy to counteract this increasingly aggressive campaign to win hearts and minds, the United States will continue to find its own messages poorly received by Russians and its interests undermined.
"...В России еще не было ни одного уголовного дела, в котором был признан факт совершения преступления в отношении ЛГБТ по мотиву ненависти. Уголовные дела... прекращаются, а потерпевшему дается разъяснение, что... необходимо обратиться в мировой суд", из доклада Ассоциации "Агора". 58 случаев насилия в отношении...