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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Marcus Aurelius: "Second, consider what kind of men they are at table, in bed, and so forth" - Comment: M.A. was quite interested in other men's sexual behaviors (regardless of their orientation) as one of the most important defining characteristics of their personalities, and rightly so.

The Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus/General Index

Affectation,vii. 60; viii. 30; xi. 18 (par. 9), 19.

18. [If any have offended against thee, consider first]: What is my relation to men, and that we are made for one another; and in another respect I was made to be set over them, as a ram over the flock or a bull over the herd. But examine the matter from first principles, from this. If all things are not mere atoms, it is nature which orders all things: if this is so, the inferior things exist for the sake of the superior, and these for the sake of one another (ii. 1; ix. 39; v. 16; iii. 4).

Second, consider what kind of men they are at table, in bed, and so forth; and particularly, under what compulsions in respect of opinions they are; and as to their acts, consider with what pride they do what they do (viii. 14; ix. 34).


M.A. was "straight", according to modern linguistic labelling system (apparently as much as it was possible to be "straight" in a sexually very liberal Ancient Rome). However this phrase indicates that he was quite interested in other men's sexual behaviors (regardless of their orientation) as one of the most important defining characteristics of their personalities, and rightly so. The deepest, most free and unburdened by the strings of social controls and "appropriate behaviors", aspects of personality, previous experiences, learned patterns and capacity for emotional sharing and interpersonal relationships are expressed in various and complex styles of sexual behaviors. Always a fruitful field for some students and practitioners of human behavior.